Carrier-oriented courses that help you to learn Blockchain Development from scratch. These free courses help you to start your career with Blockchain.

We recommend the following websites to help you to choose the best development-oriented program such as 101 Blockchains, SimpliLearn, Educba, Udemy, Coursera are designed for online learning platforms.

A key component of today’s technology boom is cryptography, which is considered to be the next big thing after the creation of the internet as it describes a way to gain trust on the Internet. Although, I must say that cryptocurrencies have played a big role in making Blockchain popular.

I have started as a blockchain developer a couple of years back, so I thought why not help people who are supposed to learn Blockchain technology & online resources.

The Blockchain development field is very prominent right now, as companies from finance, real estate, healthcare, and other sectors are interested in learning about and adopting Blockchains technology.

As many venture capitalists are currently investing in Blockchain-based companies, now is the perfect time to learn about Blockchain, and there is no better way to get started than with free online courses.

The three free courses I am sharing with you in this article will provide a solid understanding of the fundamentals of Blockchain and how it can be disruptive to any business. If you’re interested in becoming a Blockchain developer, then these online courses will assist you in getting started.

For anyone seeking to upgrade their skills and position in the corporate world, the free Blockchains Fundamentals courses are the first step in the process. In these courses, you will learn how blockchain technology works, and how it will boost your career.

Here are the best things you can learn for free.

  1. 101 Blockchains
  3. Coursera
    1. Introduction to Blockchain Technologies
    1. Blockchain Basics
    1. Blockchain: Foundations and Use Cases
    1. Blockchain Specialization
    1. Blockchain Revolution Specialization
    1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Infrastructure